Did your partner recently tell you she’s pregnant? If so, you’re likely feeling overwhelmed and are full of questions. No matter what you’re experiencing, your feelings are valid.
First off, take a deep breath. Things will be okay. You’re not alone in this. At the Pregnancy Help Center, we’re here for you and your partner.
We offer free resources for both of you to navigate your options—and we also provide resources specifically for men. Contact us today to learn more.
My Partner Told Me She’s Pregnant. Now What?
After hearing your partner is pregnant, you’re likely wondering what to do next. This is understandable. Pregnancy is a big deal, and if it wasn’t a part of your vision for the future, you’re expected to feel confusion, worry, and more.
First things first: it’s essential to support your partner now. She needs to know you’re there for her now more than ever.
Whether you two are planning on staying together or not, supporting your partner will look the same, and here are some ideas:
- Actively listen to how your partner is feeling. Active listening is about keeping yourself free from judgment or distraction while your partner talks. This means not looking at your phone, TV, etc., and asking follow-up questions to help her go deeper.
- Ensure she has what she needs to make an informed decision. You and your partner have three options for the pregnancy: parenting, adoption, or abortion. The decision about how to move forward is ultimately hers to make. However, you still play a pivotal role in the process.
- You can help her find the best option by getting her the necessary information. At the Pregnancy Help Center, we offer
- appointments, and we welcome you to attend with your partner to ensure that you’re fully informed about each choice as well.
- Attend appointments with her. Your partner will have many doctor appointments, and going with her will help her know that you’re there for her. Getting an ultrasound will likely be the first appointment your partner makes. At the Pregnancy Help Center, we offer free, limited ultrasounds and welcome you to attend the appointment with her.
What If I Don’t Support My Partner’s Pregnancy Decision?
The decision about how to move forward in the pregnancy is ultimately your partner’s to make. And this means you might disagree with her decision.
However, sharing your feelings with your partner without making her feel coerced is essential. This can be difficult, so sometimes it can be helpful to talk in front of a neutral third party, like a counselor or mutual friend, to ensure that you both feel heard.
We’re Here for You, too!
At the Pregnancy Help Center, we understand what you’re going through, and we’re here for you too. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.